How to set double color for all subfolders and single color for the main one?

When you are working with a ton of documents on a computer, you need to categorize them with a couple of aspects to not get lost. So, you want to set double color for all subfolders and a single color for the main one like here:

The main folder and sub-folders
The main folder and sub-folders

Such a method can be helpful when you have your categorizing system based on folders and subfolders, making two criteria folders (like “green-yellow folder”, where green means – work files, and yellow – reports). Or want to divide folders by type. In this article, I’ll show you how to achieve this with the help of a Folder Marker and a Two-color Set.

So, if you don’t have them – see the next paragraph. 

Get Folder Marker and Two-color Set

For this, we need a Folder Marker and a Two-color set. The first you can get here. The second will have to be bought on this page. After that, install both products.

Folder Marker 

  1. Go to an official site – color-code software
  2. Click on the Download now 

Software for labeling folders
Software for labeling folders

3. Install it -> save a file on your computer – > in the right up corner, find the file you saved – >click to open (run the installation) ->click on  Next, Next, Next, Install. You have a Folder Marker on your computer.  

Install Folder Marker
Install Folder Marker

Two-color Set

  1. Go to the page– Two-color Set

Two-color Set
Two-color Set
  1. Click on the – Buy Full Set of Two-color Folder Icons Now

Two-color set page
Two-color set page

3. Now you are in the cart. Fill in the billing info

Cart with Two-color Folder Icons in it
Cart with Two-color Folder Icons in it

4. Save and install the icons to the icl folder of the Folder Marker

Save and install the icons to icl folder
Save and install the icons to icl folder

So, you have installed both products on your PC.

Follow the instruction below to set double color for all subfolders and single color for the main one.

Step 1:

Choose the folder, set flag “Apply selected icon for all subfolders”, choose a double-colored icon and click apply. This will make the folder and subfolders colored with double colors. 

This will make the folder and subfolders colored with double colors
This will make the folder and subfolders colored with double colors

The result:

Main folder + sub-folders = selected icon for all folders
Main folder + sub-folders = selected icon for all folders

Step 2:

Uncheck the “Apply selected icon for all subfolders” flag and choose the full-color icon. Click Apply. This will change the main folder icon only.  

Change the main folder icon only
Change the main folder icon only

So, you will get the result you want:

Main folder = one icon, all sub-folders = another double-color icon. 
set double color for all subfolders
Main folder = one icon, all sub-folders = another double-color icon

Example of use:

You can drag and drop all subfolders into folder form after clicking on the “Folder” -> “Multiple Folders” and apply two-colored folders only for them. 

This way of differentiating folders and subfolders can be helpful when we want to divide folders by type. For example: yellow – work, pink – reports, blue – plans. The main folder is yellow = work.

  • Pink+yellow=work reports
  • Blue+Yellow=work plans
A system with main folder = work, subfolders: pink+yellow=work reports, blue+yellow=work plans.
set double color for all subfolders
A system with main folder = work, subfolders: pink+yellow=work reports, blue+yellow=work plans


Drag and drop part of subfolders(pink+yellow=work reports) into folder form after clicking on the “Folder” -> “Multiple Folders”
Drag and drop part of subfolders(pink+yellow=work reports) into folder form after clicking on the “Folder” -> “Multiple Folders”  


Now you know how to differentiate folders with the help of a two-colored set. How to set double color for all subfolders and single color for the main one +  drag and drop all subfolders into folder form. Use our tips and quickly find the needed folder in your folder structure. 

Also, check the article about dealing with multiple folders – How to color-code multiple folders.

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