How to remember what color or icon means in Folder Marker?

How to remember what color or icon means in Folder Marker?

Probably, you already know you can organize your computer folders by color-coding or image-coding them. This is exactly what Folder Marker helps to do really easily. But when you use all the colors, you get a new problem: a mess of colors. How to avoid this? Folder Marker has a built-in solution for this, and in this article, we will describe how to remember what color or icon means.

This can be done by customizing the right-click menu of the Folder Marker and customizing the text tag you assign to a folder with customization.

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How to organize information and find it faster with the help of color coding

How to organize information and find it faster with the help of color coding

We wrote an article on how color coding can be useful for the organization for the “Your Organizing Business” blog. It aroused interest among readers, so we decided to share it on our blog too. The original version is here:  

All things need to be in order for effective work. In a regular lifetime, we position materials in colored boxes, color helps search among tons of information – since 80-85% of the population are visual creatures. At this point, why not try this technique in dealing with a PC?

Why can color coding be useful for us? Scientists explain:

“Color improves time performance […] and it is a very effective performance factor”

according to ACM
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